The 38th Tsurugi Kendo Open Workshop was held!

Today was the 38th Tsurugido Open Workshop.
Despite the heat wave in Tokyo, which exceeded 36 degrees Celsius, the general classes were crowded with participants.

Some of the participants came from Tohoku for this workshop. We are very happy to hear that.

The group was divided into two groups, one focusing on the basics such as stance, and the other challenging four-person standing movements, and at the end, the group demonstrated their achievements in front of the entire group.


We hope that each and every one of you took something home with you this time as well.
The most important thing in conducting an open workshop is to let everyone who comes to the workshop know what Kagegido is all about, and most importantly, to have fun.
Although we still have some things to work on, we will do our best to make the workshop even more enjoyable for everyone in the future.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.