public performance Film and Video Productions Media Choreography and Instruction Overseas April Aizu Kengido Open Class: ❗️ Syoichi Futami's "Mastering the Art of Killing! Series on YouTube: ❗️ Featured in the Oman Observer, Oman's national daily newspaper: ❗️ Japan Week 2022 Seville, Spain video release! March: Aizu Kengido open class held! Fukushima Chuo Television's "Goji Tere Chu!" and Nippon Television's "ZIP!" The Aizu Kengido and Okawaso Dojo are also available for rent! 2/9 (Thu) Aizu Kendobudo on Nittele's "ZIP! Killing technique instruction was given to enka singer Syoichi Futami! Fukushima Chuo Television's "Goji Tele Chu" featured Aizu swordsmanship! Samurai Artist Tsurugishu Kamui 25th Anniversary ❗️ February: Aizu swordsmanship open class held! Our work with Riyadh Season was featured in Arab News! 1 … 7 8 9 … 44