Today Kamui, 20 years old: ‼️

February 1, 2018 is the 20th birthday of 剱伎衆 Kamui.
It has been 20 years since I started from nothing, launched the genre of Samurai Artists, and have walked strenuously. I am deeply moved.



Although there have been many hardships, we have been blessed with wonderful encounters that have transcended them, and we only hope to continue to fight and advance together with our current members.


The original samurai method of swordsmanship, which we established six years ago, is now being used not only in Japan (Tokyo) but also in Florence, Italy, and Vilnius, Lithuania, expanding the circle of Japanese culture.


Hopefully, we would like to connect it to the future for 30, 40, and even 100 years, and leave behind works of expression and methods as the "SAMURAI" culture of modern Japan.


This year, various commemorative events will start in February, and we hope that you will continue to watch Samurai artist 剱伎衆 Kamui with warmth and sometimes severity.
Thank you for your continued support.


Samurai Artist [剱伎衆 Kamui].
Leader Tetsuro Shimaguchi