KENGIDO - KENGIDO - Training Room Journal!

  • Kikugido Practice Journal

September 29, 2018

September 29 focused on rehearsals for the main performance at the Fureai Festival in Shonen Park.

The formation and other arrangements are almost finalized, and we are entering the stage of finishing touches for the performance, such as confirming changes in details and following up with emphasis on areas that need more practice.

The "Fureai Festival" is held two days before the "Ebisu Cultural Festival," and although they perform the same program as the "Fureai Festival," they are performing it in completely different formations.


By the way, there are two more sisters and brothers in the headquarters' Kids Member Stowker siblings.

The youngest brother was so inspired by his older brothers' and sisters' practice that he jumped in and joined the practice. At the end of the practice, he showed us a wonderful performance.



Please come visit us again at our rehearsal hall!