KENGIDO - KENGIDO - Training Room Journal!

Kikugido Practice Journal

July 17, 2018

In the children's class, we went over stance 1 through 5, and then did a one-on-four multiple standing fight. It was extremely hot today, but the children came to practice well.

In the adult group, the students were divided into groups and practiced the real thing. After that, we switched from our usual practice with wooden swords to takehiko swords, and each of us thought about what kind of techniques we could perform at the first move of pulling out of the sheath, and from there, we made our standing movements.

The rehearsal room will be getting hotter and hotter for 剱伎衆 Kamui's 20th anniversary performance on August 17, 18, and 19. If you have time, please come and see the performance. Thank you very much.

art of swordsmanship

Masumi Ishihama


剱伎衆 Kamui 20th anniversary performance " Samurai still exists

Venue: Shibuya Ward Cultural Center Owada Heritage Hall

Dates] Friday, August 17, 19:30~ Saturday, August 18, 13:00~, 18:00~ Sunday, August 19, 13:00~

Price】 4800 yen (all seats reserved)

剱伎衆 Kamui Shimaguchi Tetsuro, Fukuda Takashi, Tanaka Akiharu, Sato Yu, Matsumura Hiromi, and others ★Special guests at each session

Tickets can now be easily purchased in advance through a mail order site called "BASE"! You can also choose your payment method. (credit card, bank transfer, convenience store payment, etc.)

BASE, a mail-order website

If you pick up your order on the day of the event, you may be kept waiting at the reception desk, so we would appreciate it if you could use this service this time. When purchasing from the mail order site, it would be helpful if you could write your name in the remarks column as "XX Treatment". Tickets are also on sale at Pia, Lawson, E-Plus, and other play guides. We would like to meet you after the show, so please let us know if you are coming. Please let us know if you are coming.