Kikugido Practice Journal
April 3
On the first training day in April, it was so sunny that even a little bit of movement was enough to make one break out in a sweat.
Today's rehearsals for both the children's and adult groups were centered on the performance for the Cherry Blossom Festival to be held on the 7th and 8th at Shonagonen Park,
I felt that everyone's, especially the children's, concentration level was high, if not mind-blowing.

Coincidentally, the day before yesterday there was a reshoot of "Hatsujin" at Tsukishima Social Education Center, and the situation of preparing for the main performance with the aftermath of the reshoots probably worked in the right direction.

Of course, not everyone will be on stage at the Cherry Blossom Festival, but one of the charms of the KENGOKUDO rehearsal hall is that even those members who do not participate will leave with something to take home with them.

Today's rehearsal was also very productive, with non-performing members taking part in the rehearsal of the performance as understudies, and the adult group learning from Mr. Shimaguchi the technique of Keren (a technique that is not realistic but looks spectacular as a stage expression).

At the end of the children's frame, Shimaguchi Sensei said, "Everyone is getting better. I was surprised." I felt that they were full of vitality and motivation, as well as content, just to be able to say that.
Today's rehearsal was a good sign that the group "Kendo-gido" is gaining depth through daily rehearsals as well as various production experiences.

Kogakudo Udo Osamu