Kikugido Practice Journal
October 19, 2017
special consideration for non-traditional (older) children
Today's training was again divided into two groups: those participating in the event and those practicing on a regular basis.
The event group practiced their performance and checked and grasped detailed movements and formations.

Normal practice kumite.
Today, there are many kumite in swordsmanship, and children remember them well.
Today, we practiced not only the kumite we had learned, but also to make sure that we could perform them well.

adult limit
The training was divided into event training and regular training, with the adult frame finally preparing for the performance the day after tomorrow.
The event group had rehearsed in the theater during the daytime today, confirming detailed movement timing and formations, confirming the choreography, and rehearsing through the theater.

The regular training group performed the posture, but they were careful not only to move by themselves but also to practice the command and to synchronize their breathing with the whole group.
We then did a one-on-four standing circle, turning cores and entanglements in each.

(a day after tomorrow) finally
October 21 ㈯ is a killing festival!
Killing Fest 2017
@Musashino Swing Hall
10/21 (Sat) 13:30 -
Free admission!
@Musashino Swing Hall
10/21 (Sat) 13:30 -
Free admission!
Please come and see it if you have time.
Thanks again for your hard work today.
art of swordsmanship
Junki Segawa