KENGIDO - KENGIDO - Training Room Journal!

Kikugido Practice Journal


July 19, 2017


Today we had intermediate and advanced classes.

We looked at each of the first performances in detail.



Now, what is the picture below?



These may appear in some of the first performances.

We hope you will enjoy it.




Here are the first lineup of performers.


Hiromu Hara

Mr. Hara is celebrating his 20th anniversary as an actor this year.

When he is not able to participate in Kabuki training due to traveling, he is a hard worker, swinging his sword mindlessly at the "Harafield Dojo".

Please enjoy Mr. Hara's performance this time!



Mayuko Hashiguchi

The letters used in the pamphlet for the "Hatsujin" sword performance are "Cool! Don't you think it is cool?

In fact, it is Mr. Hashiguchi who wrote these letters, no matter what he is hiding!

She also wrote the "Kenshudo" logo.

In this "first battle," she will try her hand at a long weapon, perhaps twice as long as her petite frame.

I am sure that the performance will be as dignified and powerful as her characters.



Thanks again for your hard work today.


art of swordsmanship

Masumi Ishihama

Naoko Isozaki