Appearance on "SUNSTAR WEEKEND JOURNEY" on Soratnihwa FM Yokohama

SoratonovaShimaguchi appeared in

Please listen to Shimaguchi's performance on 10/24/2016 at 8pm!


Shimaguchi appeared on FM Yokohama's "SUNSTAR WEEKEND JOURNEY!

Broadcast Date:
FM Yokohama: 11/6 (Sun.) 22:00-22:30
FM COCOLO: 11/5 (Sat.) 23:00-23:30
(FM COCOLO is a radio station in Osaka, and the same content is broadcast on FM Yokohama and FM COCOLO.)

In this program, themed on "cultural exchange between Japan and other countries," I talked about my activities with 剱伎衆 Kamui, the "Samurai Dojo" workshop for foreigners, my choreography for "Kill Bill," as well as episodes from this European tour.


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