March 29: Contemporary Kumiodori "Shishi Leon - Ujisato, Aizu Prime Minister

Mr. Shimaguchi will make a guest appearance in the performance of "Modern Kumiodori: Lion Leon," a stage performance in which children of today learn, feel, perform, and connect with the life of Ujisato Gamo, who laid the foundation of Aizu's culture and industry, and create it with all their might. Shimaguchi will also appear as a guest performer from 剱伎衆 Kamui and Kendou.

Contemporary Kumiodori Dance "Lion Leon: Ujisato, Prime Minister of Aizu

Saturday, March 29, 2025 
Doors open at 12:00 noon, Concert begins at 12:30 noon
Doors open at 5:00 p.m., Concert begins at 5:30 p.m.

[Claire] Location.
Aizu Fugado Main Hall

S seats 5,000 yen A seats 3,000 yen * Tickets at the door are +500 yen
Seat B Free admission for 18 years old and under

Click here to make a reservation.