
9月21日(水) 島口リーダーを始めとする、かむゐ・剱伎道メンバーが福島県猪苗代町にある土津神社において、会津藩藩祖・保科正之公没後350周年を記念し奉納剣舞を行いました。 


(福島民報記事) https://www.minpo.jp/news/moredetail/20220922100877



Kamui and Kengido members include Tetsuro Shimaguchi made a dedicating sword performance for the 350 memorial of the Lord Hoshina ‘s death at Hanitsu shrine on Wednesday 21st September .

Mr.Miyazawa the senior priest of  Hanitsu shrine offered a prayer before the dedicating sword performance.

After that, the team showed “Kyogetsu”, they performed at the NBA halftime show this spring.

 *Lord Hoshina is the founder of the Aizu domain, who is known to advodated the spirit of “Gi” (Righteous), the basis of the Aizu bushi-do.